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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

10 Great Ways to Celebrate World Book Day

TODAY, Thursday, March 1st, 2012 is World Book Day. Here are 10 great ways to celebrate where you are and to show words you love them, too!

1. Curl up with that brand new book, the one you got for Christmas that you haven’t had time to read yet.

2. Read poetry to your loved one in an intimate setting.

3. Donate books to a school or reading programme.

4. Volunteer to read at a school, in your community or on a hospital ward.

5. Get started on the 12 Barbadian titles in ArtsEtc’s recommended reading list. It’s a great place to begin. (See image below.)

6. Start—or finish—writing that book of your own.

7. Support your local author—buy Bajan!

8. Join, or start, a book club.

9. Make a pledge to find 30 minutes in your day, every day (OK, then, at least a couple of days a week!) to read to your child.

10. Join in Days Books’ World Book Day event TODAY from 2 p.m. at their store in Independence Square or catch the celebration live on Starcom VOB.

What are you doing for World Book Day?

Do you plan to curl up with a great book? The new one by Glenville Lovell, perhaps. Are you reading to a loved one or maybe others at a school, in your community or on a hospital ward? Or are you heading on over to Days Books? (Click here for more ideas.)

Today, Thursday, March 1, is World Book Day, and ArtsEtc is very happy to be supporting the bookstore in its first ever event to locally mark the 15-year-old worldwide celebration.

The theme of Days Books’ event is “Read a book, Share a story”, and there is plenty going on at the store in Independence Square tomorrow from about 2 p.m.—storytelling, book signings, the launch of a Days’ new website, and a discussion on the joys and importance of reading to be broadcast live on Starcom VOB radio.

Some of the award-winning Barbadian authors taking part are children’s publisher June Stoute, poets Esther Phillips and Kerry Belgrave, and fantasy novelist Karen Lord.

Karen Austin of Days Books says she is keen to make the event an annual occurrence in Barbados as a way of helping to sensitise Bajans about reading.

“There are events taking place all over the world, in England, Ireland, in the United States. WBD has been going on for 15 years so I thought it was about time Barbados joined in. I have emailed the World Book Day people to let them know about our event and what we’re doing to promote the cause this side of the Atlantic.”

In addition to the in-store activities, Karen promises exciting discounts and giveaways for eager readers and booklovers. Schools and literacy professionals have also been invited.

Sounds like a place to be. Happy WBD!

For more information please check out:



Poet Kerry

Children’s author
and publisher
June Stoute

Poet and educator
Esther Phillips

Karen Lord